Ana Sofia Carvalho
MD, MScPH, PhD Candidate, Department of Public and Occupational Health, Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute (APH), Healthcare Services and Systems Research Unit, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam
Dr. Sofia Carvalho is a PhD Candidate at the University of Amsterdam, within the Healthcare Services and Systems Research Unit of the Department of Public and Occupational Health. She has a background as a Medical Doctor and holds a Research Master’s in Public Health Epidemiology (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands). Her work focuses on strengthening health systems’ performance, notably their efficiency and resilience, aiming to support decision-making at the policy and managerial levels. She led the development of the All.Can ‘Action Guide to implement Cancer Efficiency Metrics’, a collaborative project developed by her research group, with and on behalf of All.Can International. She is involved in an EU-funded project to develop a resilience assessment tool for European cardiovascular care pathways, and she also collaborates with the OECD in projects related to cancer.