Έλενα Πιτέλου
Public Health Specialist, SRF in Public Health, Lecturer in EBM and EIP
Elena Petelos is a Public Health Specialist, with an educational background in Medicine and Molecular Biology, initially specialising in Molecular Oncology (Queen Mary, UoL and King’s College London and King’s College Hospital, UoL). She re-trained mid-career in Health Economics, Innovation and Policy (Maastricht University), in Comparative Effectiveness Research (University of Washington) and in Evidence-Based Medicine (University of Oxford), becoming a Fellow in Governance and Policy Analysis (United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology) in 2012.
She worked in R&D roles in Medtronic Inc. and Merck KGaA, transitioning fully to academia in 2016; she has been a Research Associate of CSFM of the University of Crete (UoC) since 2007, and a Senior Research Fellow for Public Health and HTA / Lecturer for Evidence-Based Medicine and Evidence-Informed Policy, since 2016. She is also a Research Fellow and a Lecturer at Maastricht University. She is a member of the HTA Network Pool of Experts of the European Commission, a delegated expert for the European Medicines Agency, and an Advisory Board member for the European Forum for Primary Care. She is a Member of the Governing Board of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) since 2017, and the Vice-President for HTA since 2020. She is a Member of the WG on Economic Evaluation in Healthcare in Europe of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), and the elected Co-Chair of Real-World Evidence & Artificial Intelligence of HTAi, and a Member of the Scientific Development and Capacity-Building Committee of HTAi. She has served as an expert for Patient Reported Outcomes and Molecular Diagnostics for the European Commission (COSME-EASME, Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) and multiple public health instruments for the 3rd Health Programme and for the MRC-UKRI. She is a member of the Steering Group of the European Health Information Initiative of the WHO, elected as Chair of the Subgroup of EU, OECD, WHO – EHII on Mapping indicators across the European region, and elected Vice-Chair of the Sub-group on Evidence-Informed Policy.